Educational Services
Research & Writing
Partnerships in research, writing, and program evaluation for academic and professional purposes, including resource development and grant applications.
Link to the below research repositories to learn more about past projects, publications, and collaborations.
Interested in a research and/or writing collaboration using qualitative, mixed methodology, critical disability studies, program evaluation, & quantitative experimental research methods?
Maich, K., Rutherford, C., & Bishop, C. (In Press, July 2019). Phones, watches, and apps:
Engaging everyday mobile / assistive technology for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Exceptionality Education International.
Alves, K., & Maich, K. (May 2019). What parents want:
Parental perspectives of children with ASD on a community-based parent education program. Canadian Journal of New Scholars in Education.
Penney, S., Young, G., Maich, K., & Howell, E. (2019). Promoting home-school communication surrounding children with disabilities:
Parental perceptions in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. In D. Jahr & R. Kruschel (Eds.), Inclusion in Canada: International perspectives on heterogeneity-sensitive education. Weinheim, Germany: Beltz Verlag.
van Rhijn, T., Osborne, C., Ranby, S., Maich, K., Hall, C., Rzepecki, L., & Hemmerich, A. (2019). Peer play in inclusive child care settings:
Assessing the impact of stay, play, and talk, a peer-mediated social skills program. Child Care in Practice.
Maich, K., Davies, A., & Sohrabi, T. (2019). Autism spectrum disorder and maternal employment barriers:
A comprehensive gender-based inquiry. Canadian Journal of Family & Youth.
Maich, K., Hall, C., van Rhijn, T., & Squires, K. (November 2018). Investigating stay, play, and talk:
A peer-mediated social skills intervention for young children with autism spectrum disorder and social challenges. Exceptionality Education International 28(2), 82-104.
Maich, K., & Hill, R. (2018). Special Education Case Studies: 20 cases for Ontario classrooms. Don Mills, ON:
Oxford University Press. ISBN-10: 0199022178
*Maich, K., Levine, D., & Hall, C. (2016). Applied behaviour analysis: A case-based approach to principles, processes, and practices. Cham, Switzerland:
Springer Science & Business Media.
Maich, K. & Hall, C. (2016). Autism spectrum disorders in the Ontario context:
An introduction. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, Inc.
*Maich, K. (2015). Early learners in preschools and kindergartens: 50 case stories in child development, inclusion, collaboration and special needs. Toronto:
Pearson Education. Winner of the Exceptionality Education International Book Prize Award (2015)
Maich, K., & Hall, C., van Rhijn, T., & Henning, M. (In Press, 2017) Teaching and Learning in two iPad-Infused Classrooms:
A descriptive case study of a school-based, dual classroom school-based pilot project. Exceptionality Education International
Sider, S., & Maich, K., & Morvan, J. (2017). School principals and students with special education needs:
Leading inclusive schools. Canadian Journal of Education, 40(2).
Maich, K., & Hall, C. (2016). Implementing iPads in the inclusive classroom setting.
Intervention in School and Clinic [Special Issue: What Works for Me], 51(3), 145-150.doi: 0.1177/1053451215585793.
Sider, S., & Maich, K. (2014).Assistive technology tools:
Supporting literacy learning for all learners in the inclusive classroom. What Works? Research into Practice Monograph Series #50.
Maich, K., & Belcher, E. C., (2012). Feature article:
Using picture books to create peer awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorders in the inclusive classroom
Professional Development
Conferences, workshops, talks, and training related to topics within autism, special / inclusive education, disabilities, and more (one hour to full day).
Presentation Examples:
- Assistive technology
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Behavioural assessment
- Children’s literature
- Early learners
- Individual education plans
- iPads in inclusive classrooms
- Parent support
- Peer awareness
- Problem behaviours
- School inclusion
- Social skills
- Visual strategies
- and more …
Sample Past Presentations
(Provincial/ National/ International):
Maich, K., & Bishop, C. (2019, January). Everyday mobile / assistive technology supporting adults with IDD in the community setting. Poster presentation for Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Maui, HI, USA.
Maich, K., & Belcher, C., Maich, G., & Davis, A. (2019, January). Pathology persists and stigma stays: Representations of (autistic) Steven Greaves in the post-apocalyptic world. Poster presentation for Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Maui, HI, USA.
Maich, K. (2018, November). Good enough | not good enough: What (might) precede and support social belonging around Disability in Newfoundland and Labrador? Lecture presentation for Ontario Council for Exceptional Children, Toronto, ON.
Maich K. (2018, April). What a difference we can make! Keynote session for National Institute for Learning Development. The Executive Brain: Cognition, Perception, & Emotion
Maich, K. (2018, March). ASD Q&A. Center for Academic Development & Enrichment, State University of New York. Oneonta, NY, USA. (via Skype)
McCollow, M., & Maich, K. (2018, July). Behaviour management: A crash course in supporting learners with ASD. Breakout session speaker for Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities Mini-Conference, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, USA
Maich, K. & Byrne, O. (2018, November). Everyday ABA: Using token economies and other visuals. Key Assets, St. John’s, NL.
Strang, F., & Maich, K. (2018, September). Mental wellness and mindfulness. Topsail Professional Development Day, St. John’s, NL.
Maich K. (2018, April). What a difference we can make! Keynote session for National Institute for Learning Development. The Executive Brain: Cognition, Perception, & Emotion
Maich, K. (2018, March). ASD Q&A. Center for Academic Development & Enrichment, State University of New York. Oneonta, NY, USA. (via Skype
Hall, C., & Maich, K. (2017, June). VB MAPP, AFLS, and other social skills assessment. Ministry of Health & Community Services, St. John’s, NL
Bishop, C., & Maich, K. (2018, January). Creating independent community engagement through mobile assistive technology. Poster presentation for Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater, FL, USA.
Maich, K. (2017, May). Everyday ABA. College of the North Atlantic, St. John’s NL.
Maich, K., & Mallabar, S., & van Rhijn, T (2015, April). Stay, play, and talk: A peer-mediated social skills program for children with ASD and other social-communication difficulties (Phase IV). Lecture presentation for International Council for Exceptional Children, Boston, MA, USA.
Hall, C., van Reenan, T., Maich, K., & Mallabar, S. (2017, February). Stay, Play, & Talk. Half-day training event for Halton Catholic District School Board, Oakville, ON.
Mallabar, S., Maich, K, & Henning, M. (2017, January). Stay, play, and talk: A peer-mediated social skills program for children with ASD and other social-communication difficulties (Phase IV). Lecture Presentation for Association for Applied Behaviour Analysis International: 11th Annual Autism Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA.
Maich, K, & Mallabar, S. (2017, January) What’s before the iPad? Teaching basic prerequisite skills for iPad use. Featured speaker for Pre-Conference Training Institute, Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater, FL, USA.
Sider, S., Maich, K., Morvan, J., & Specht, J. (2106, October). Principals and inclusion: Case studies for professional learning in Ontario. Case reviews with PQP instructors held at the Ontario College of Teachers, Toronto, ON.
Maich, K, & Hall, C. (2015, January). An iPad-infused classroom: Research-based outcomes of iPad use in two inclusive, inner-city classrooms. Featured speaker for Pre-Conference Training Institute, Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater, FL, USA.
Maich, K. (2016, June). Finding funding for adult housing: One family’s experience with SUCCESS! Presentation for Autism Ontario’s Spring Training, Conference, & AGM: Mini-Conference on Housing, Toronto, ON.
Sider, S., Maich, K., & Morvan, J. (2016, May) School principals and students with special education Needs: Leading inclusive schools. Multi-paper presentation for Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Calgary, AB. Selected as President’s Spotlight Session.
Jahnke, J., & Maich, K. (2016, April). Assistive technology training for students with intellectual disabilities in an inclusive post-secondary program and its effects on independence and academic outcomes. Presentation for Inspiring Minds: Engagement, Inclusion, & Emerging Pedagogy, Mohawk College, Hamilton, ON.
Maich, K., & Henning, M. (2016, April). Apps for literacy accommodations: the basics. Presentation for National Institute for Learning Development Annual Conference, Neuroplasticity: The Basis for Education, Toronto, ON.
Maich, K., & Henning, M. (2016, April). Successful and effective behaviour change. Keynote Presentation for National Institute for Learning Development Annual Conference, Neuroplasticity: The Basis for Education, Toronto, ON.
Maich, K., & Henning, M. (2015, November). An introduction to assistive technology tools for literacy learning: The basics. Ontario Council for Exceptional Children, Niagara Falls, ON.
Hall, C., & Maich, K. (2015, May). Ditching the lecture: An interactive iBook workshop to demonstrate a flipped classroom model. Poster Presentation for Connect, Niagara Falls, ON.
Quinn, V., van Rhijn, T., Maich, K., & Hall, C. (2015, April). Peer play in inclusive child care settings: The impact of a peer-mediated social skills program in Ontario, Canada. Lecture presentation for International Council for Exceptional Children, San Diego, CA, USA.
Hall, C., & Maich, K. (2014, May). Decreasing transition latency using iPad activity schedules for students with ASD. Paper presentation for Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL, USA.
Maich, K., van Rhijn, T., & Woods, H. (2015, November). Remote assistive technology training in rural schools in Newfoundland and Labrador: Is there a need? Poster presentation for Ontario Council for Exceptional Children, Niagara Falls, ON.
Maich, K. & Henning, M. (2015, November). 12 visual strategies for supporting students with ASD. Edifide Annual Teachers’ Convention, Hamilton, ON.
Henning, M., Maich, K., Hall, C., & Sider, S. (2015, November). Making the iPad an accessible tool for students with exceptionalities: Assessing and teaching its essential prerequisite skills. Poster presentation for Ontario Council for Exceptional Children, Niagara Falls, ON.
Maich, K., & Hayes, C. (2014, April). An iPad-infused classroom: Research-based outcomes of iPad use in two inclusive, inner-city classrooms. Special focus presentation for International Council for Exceptional Children, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Maich, K, & Hall, C. (2014, January). Apps to support students with autism and other disabilities.
Featured speaker for Pre-Conference Training Institute 2 (Assistive Technology), Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater, FL, USA.
Maich, K, & Hall, C. (2014, January). An iPad-infused classroom: Research-based outcomes of iPad use in two inclusive, inner-city classrooms. Featured speaker for Pre-Conference Training Institute, Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater, FL, USA.
Maich, K. & Van Rhijn, T. (2014, January). Stay, Play, & Talk: A Peer-Mediated Social Skills Program for Preschool-Aged Children & Their Peers. Lecture presented to The Early Years Conference 2014, Shaping Childhood: Factors that Matter. Vancouver, BC.
Supervision of candidates working towards clinical designations in counselling, psychology, and behaviour.